Health Tips and Taking Control

My take on a lot of health issues we struggle with: We have more control over our health than we’ve been led to believe.

In 2009 (while I thought I was fit and healthy, before the pain and symptoms started) I was told I’d have severe Rheumatoid Arthritis and it would just get worse and worse and I’d never go into remission. (I’ve been in remission 3 or 4 times and I’m currently in a remission that has lasted, so far, close to 2 years.) I’ve done far better than 98% of others who have this condition. I can tell you why and how, but most people don’t really want to know. Because it’s hard work.

Over many years I have studied and changed my diet steadily and constantly. Many diseases of the body are caused by inflammation and this runs rampant in our bodies these days. So many things cause it, and what causes it in me may not be the same thing that causes it in you.

I started out by eating what most folks would consider a healthy diet (fruits and veggies, no sugar, etc) and went vegan for about 16 months, then ate vegetarian for a couple years.

My next progression was to also eat what is widely considered to be a “low-inflammation diet” and I began to factor all of those things in. I was still having inflammation problems. It really took a lot of trial and error, trying things out on my own body to see how it reacted and I’ve had environmental allergy testing (take shots now) and food allergy testing done which revealed many things I might be sensitive to and/or allergic to. This required more experimenting for me to really figure out what my body particularly doesn’t respond well to.

By this time, I’ve gotten my inflammation levels down SUPER low. There are 2 tests for inflammation with RA, one is the RA factor and I don’t remember what the other is called, but my last test said my RA factor was negative and the other was at a low 2 or so. (My numbers were so high as to be off the charts when I had my “event” that started my RA, so much so, that it took a few doctors and lots of time and pain before they actually diagnosed me.) Something had happened that had my body’s inflammation levels reach critical mass.

It’s now 2020 and I finally feel like I have control over the inflammation and have for a year or so, pretty steadily. (I no longer eat strictly vegetarian but I’m actually considering going back to it as I’ve recently begun to get a lot of heartburn when I eat meat.)

I’ve learned all about my body and I’ve learned to listen to it when it’s trying to tell me something.

So, all of that to say, I can tell you how to cut inflammation out of your body, but it is not easy and requires study, will-power, and lots of lifestyle and dietary changes. 

I now take ZERO meds for RA and haven’t for some time.

There’s a life lesson here. WE have way more control over what happens in our bodies than what we know or are willing to face. Just how bad do you want to be healthy? That is the only real question. I also exercise and move regularly which is almost as important as my diet.

I have proven doctors wrong a few times in my life, and I’ve done it by taking charge of my health and being responsible about it and listening to MY body. (Doctors are by and large trained to lump everyone together and treat them all much the same.) You CAN be healthier than you may be right now, today. Do you want to be? That is the only real question.

I’m a stubborn person, if you know me at all, you know that. I always search things out for myself and have learned the hard way not to just take, well, anything anyone tells me as fact. I do the work, then make changes for what works for ME. 

Yes, I do have a vice or two. For example, I was told to give up coffee (which is my THING.) So I gave it up for about 9 weeks while I studied coffee and why it can be so toxic. Much of its harshness can be traced to it being a highly polluted food item. Many chemicals make their way to most coffee plants. I researched and found an organic shade-grown low acid blend, and I have now found that I can tolerate a little coffee (if it’s the good stuff primarily) and I cannot do 3 or 4 cups a day like I used to. But I found a way to have it more safely for me. Cuz I’m stubborn like that.

I found 2 “sweets” I will eat occasionally. One is a frozen and sliced banana dipped in dark chocolate and the other is Dove or Ghiardelli or any GOOD brand of dark chocolate (and I will buy organic and non-GMO when I can). I will have a bite-sized piece of dark chocolate if I really need a sweet. Or a frozen banana. I always find a way. But once you’re off of sugar addiction, you will find you don’t crave it, and eventually, can barely tolerate it.

I’ve experimented with alcoholic beverages and did some research and talking with  our local expert and found that wines from Italy and France have a different less-toxic process (non-gmo and more natural fermentation, etc) and I can have a glass of white wine occasionally without it bothering me too much. I cannot have it much or often, but I can. There are certain liquors I could more easily get away with as well, due to them being NOT from America and therefore not being nearly as toxic. (Other countries have much stricter guidelines than we do on what toxins they give their people.) That’s another rant for another time. MOST of my problems with certain foods can be traced back to pesticides and GMOs.

So I have figured out what I will and will not allow into my body, how often I can get away with certain things, etc.

Has it been worth it? Abso-friggin-lutely. I finally had it all coming together.

And then Covid-19. Ah hells bells. Yet one more battle for me to fight.

All of this to say, YOU CAN take control of your health, question doctors, do your own research, and not necessarily take a diagnosis (or prognosis) at face value. Nobody, I mean NOBODY is gonna fight for you and your health like you can. Only you know YOU as well as you. Be pro-active. Take control. Be well.


4 29 20 Brain-dump blog on Boundaries, Friendship, and Sugar

Hello world (if there’s anybody out there listening.) Pammy again. As usual, lots on my mind and heart.

Today I feel about 90 percent recovered from whatever virus my body just fought, be it Covid-19 or whatever. That’s good. I have had some stress-related stuff happening (like heartburn, indigestion, etc) and my oh-so-helpful hubby said, “whatever could be happening these days that could be stressing you out?” Lol! He hit the nail on the head. (Sarcasm, it is rampant in our family.)

Just wanted to jot down some thoughts and opinions, as usual. Brain dump, word vomit.

I am in a not-so-peopley mood today. I don’t have the desire or the mental or emotional energy to dive in and engage with people, and though others have “advised” me to take it easy and protect my empathic self (& I’m speaking of the others that I would even begin to listen to-those who care about me) I never listen. That’s my jam. I have to learn every single thing on my own, and come to any knowledge on my own. I think that comes from a combination of being fiercely, stubbornly independent and having a past where I listened to other people only to have them lead me down their own path and not my own. So I am stubborn. I am 56 years old and a grown-ass woman and I listen to my wisdom, my knowledge, my spirit and intuition and my body, above all else. (And, if you’ll permit me to say, the Universe… in a sense.) I believe some of gut and intuition is defined as “God” or “Spirit” or “conscience.”

My body has confirmed what some loved ones have said. I kinda hate when that happens.

So I’m taking it easy this whole week, continuing to recover. I did something today I rarely do… I baked. I don’t bake. Baked goods in my home are like throwing crack in front of an ex-addict. Not that I was ever obese but like most people, I used to love baked sugary things with a passion. Due to years of trying to get my health in order and protect my body/temple from nasty bad stuff, I learned not to bake, not to eat sugar, (or very rarely) and to never ever bake or bring baked goods into my home. (On occasion they appear at parties, etc.), but after years of training myself, I mostly resist and have for some time.

I use Stevia to sweeten everything or it combined with a bit of coconut sugar or unbleached sugar (if I’m really riding the edge, but rarely). I have called sugar “the white devil” for many years, and I do believe it kills us, either slowly or quickly. It feeds obesity, high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes and cancers.

Most people can tolerate some in moderation but I’ve never been quite normal. I have odd sensitivity and allergic reactions to all sorts of things so my diet has evolved into something most would find to be kind of extreme. I DO get a little in the form of carbs from my protein bars, in oatmeal or yogurt or a small amount in a spaghetti sauce or something of that nature. But empty white sugar is something hubs and I both avoid for our health.

All of that to explain how it is so odd and rare for me to bake. Last Christmas I made my own oatmeal-based cookie recipe, and I made some scones several months ago with high quality organic ingredients, almond and rice flour, etc., and froze them so I could take out and eat one every couple months or so. I loooove baked goods, they are a true comfort food for me, so in order to make life worth living, once in a rare blue moon, I will make something with high-quality ingredients. Today I used a Simple Mills baking blend and made a banana loaf. It was so soothing to my soul.

(Incoming whiplash from sudden subject change–)I’ve been thinking about how difficult relationships are these days. And how most people truly are followers. Not trying to say that in a “bashy” way, but just an observation. I think most people are usually so busy with the day in and day out responsibilities of life that they don’t take the time to think, mull, meditate, learn, grow. They don’t have or make the time. So in modern society it becomes so easy to quickly grasp your faith or belief systems off of a shelf like at a grocery store. “I’ll take that one. That sounds good and right.” They take it home and put it in its place and they rock it for the rest of forever. Same with worldviews and political affiliations. They never ever stop to ask the deeper questions or try to see another point of view. They’ve been taught that this is wrong or somehow unfaithful.

So not where I am.

Choosing to blaze a trail is a lonely proposition. Getting to a place where you know that you know that you can no longer follow the mainstream or go with the flow in good conscience, knowing that you must stand for your own thoughts, follow the beat of your own drum… it’s a solitary thing. And the trail you blaze may never ever be followed by another. And on top of that thought, is, the thought that it’s okay and everyone should have their very own.

But it is very lonely. Friendship is hard. Relationship is hard. Even in the middle of a community of like-minded people, such as a country club, organization, or church. Friendship is always hard. But when you don’t feel that you have any sense of a “tribe” or community, it can be, well, rough.

I’ve been going through trying to keep a very few old friendships alive and I am finding that one of the hardest things ever since I have totally changed myself and my worldview. People think I’m nuts or just plain disagree, and then they want to argue about it. I love to sit, one on one, and talk with anyone about anything, in a calm, respectful environment, but social media is not at all conducive to such things.

The small handful of girlfriends that I felt, at a time in the past, I connected deeply with, now feel they can’t relate to me in one way or another. As I said, friendship is hard and going your own way is hard.

Lately I have unfollowed some people and on rare occasions, blocked some, on social media, and that is absolutely about my mental health. I don’t hate. But feeling my ulcers return or my blood pressure rise or that vein in my head begin to throb… that’s something I’m going to shut down because I take care of me. Sometimes ya gotta let people go. It breaks my heart but we each must be allowed to be who we are and we deserve to be loved as we are.

Those precious few from my past, they know who they are (and may or may never read this blog) but if you choose to “hang” with me, know that I need you to accept me where I am, and there are certain things I will need you to avoid talking about because it is just too upsetting to me. Those that would choose to have me go backwards to the person I was must stay away. I am not, and I will not. Indeed, I cannot. 

So I have been looking for a new “tribe” of friends. (I put “tribe” in quotation marks because I had a whole discussion once with someone from another country and what the word means here in America as opposed to someone on the other side of the world.) I mean Group of Friends.

I am finding neighbors here in Florida that I dearly love but I always make it very clear from the get-go, who I am and what I believe. I am becoming close with one or two. My social media pages have always been a window to the world for me, and I have begun in the last couple years, to finally lose followers who vehemently disagree with who I am now and I’m finding those I better connect with all over the world. I love artists and writers, but it’s certainly not a requirement. I love deep, real people. Those who strive for vulnerability and honesty laced with love and compassion. I’m beginning to find some.

What a process it has been, and will be. If you stick around, I am so grateful, but I can no longer base my life on the approval of others. If we connect we do, if we don’t we don’t, go in peace.

But I will not surround myself with constant strife. This will not happen. Cuz, (what am I always banging on about?) Boundaries!!

Peace Out, world.