Don’t Jump Into the Ocean if you Don’t Want to Get Wet

Don’t jump into the ocean and expect NOT to get wet. In the same way, as soon as you open your mind to learn and grow, as soon as you begin to study and read and look with an eye towards learning new information, new facts, you will change, it is inevitable. Just as swimming makes your clothes soaked, you cannot help but take in the new information and change accordingly. (Not rumor and conspiracy theory here, but actual facts and knowledge.) It will change you, grow you, and there will be no going back.

And learning is addictive.

Fortunately, we live in a time where information on Astronomy, Archeology, Biology, Sciences of all kinds, History, key figures that have made a difference, war, philosophy, religion… it’s all at our fingertips. There literally is no excuse for ignorance these days.

Well, “busy-ness” it’s legit. Many don’t have time to learn, or so they think. But even if you made a point of reading a book a month (and outside of subjects–or religions–you’ve studied before) you will learn and grow and change. I say that about “outside of your religion” simply because censorship is WRONG and it’s one of the wrongest wrongs that has ever been wrong. Being told NOT to read something is as good as saying “I intend to keep you down, limit your knowledge, control you.” There are universes of knowledge, information, stories, that need to be read, must be read, if we are to grow and heal. If we are to learn not to hate “race x” then we must read their stories, know them, seek understanding. Same with religion x or political party x. Read and study all of it, get out of your box, gather information, read, study, think. Stimulate the little grey cells.

Then give yourself time, however long it takes, to go deep within yourself and find out what YOU think. Not your mama or your preacher or teacher, but YOU. This is how we grow.

Make friends with people outside of your age/race/sexual identification/religion. Be open.

Open your heart. Open your mind.

Your world will grow.

It’s fear, simply put. Fear of putting aside tradition or what he or she taught you. How it’s always been.

We accepted fire, and indoor plumbing, we need to be open to accepting more new things. It’s how we grow. It’s how we change.

And change is GOOD. (Painful at times, but very good.)

Deconstruction or Annihilation

One of the first “Jenga bricks” to be pulled out for me, was realizing that I had no special protection for being a Christian. I’d heard and read this theology of “umbrella of protection” that basically teaches that if I’m really good and behave myself I will be protected from all harm. Once that brick was pulled the rest of the demolition was easy. It all fell apart.

The 2nd biggie was realizing that I really, deep down, once I really stepped back and examined things, canNOT in good conscience believe that the bible is literal. There’s just too much batshit stuff in there. Zooming out helped me come to the conclusion that a lot of it was the time/culture/ignorance they were living in combined with patriarchal beliefs and that need for control that men have had from the beginning. I believe there is a lot of good stuff in there, but also a lot of nonsense, capped off with what is basically a voodoo curse in the back. (Even though we also should not suffer a witch to live.) So use magics when and how I say, is what they were thinking. Patriarchy. Control. The boot on the neck. Yeah.

Ya wanna talk magics? Raising the dead is dark magic according to anyone who says anything about magic, so… that’s weird. Healing, walking on water, all magic.

So, for me, there are such things as miracles and gifts, but they are not intrinsically good or evil. Just like a gun or knife or fork or ax isn’t good or evil, it’s about who wields the power and how they use it. Many of the recorded “miracles” happened to people who were not even people of faith, so that was telling. Many so-called angelic sightings or NDE’s, same. (Near-death Experiences)

My conclusions then, (and I am not totally done concluding and never will be) is that there is a TON of crap none of us really understand or are even really capable of understanding. Which can be disconcerting and feel like annihilation. The earth moves under our feet. Plagues and pandemics are real. I believe there is life on other planets and we have likely already made first contact, only the powers that be feel we are not able to handle it yet, and they would be right.

I mean FFS. Look at how we have just been behaving about science and medicine and fact.

So. What does this mean for the person who feels the way I do? How do we cope? We learn One Day at a Time. We struggle, we enjoy every moment we possibly can. We accept that there is much we cannot understand or control. We fight to survive.

Peace Out, peeps!

Grow Up, Rise Up

Thinking today about how easily people are offended especially by cuss words. If ever there was a time to grow up and rethink your priorities, it is now. (Yeah, I do have a “preacher thing” in me, and it’s riled up, but I won’t sound like a traditional preacher, but will almost definitely offend your mother and probably you.)

It’s past time to pull your head out of the sandbox, put down your tea cup from your little country club churchical tea parties, and look around and say, “What the fuck?” & “Where did we go so wrong?” We need a little, no a LOT more of that.

Offended by “shit”? Well, I’ll tell ya what offends me–hate speech, treating others as “less than” blindly following political morons and religious fanatics, not questioning that -what worked 1,000 years ago is not going to work today.

Consider that-in the time of Christ, if a prophet had a vision, they’d describe seeing “an angel” or “a flaming chariot” in the sky…. Now zoom forward to today. Can we not take perhaps a slightly different perspective? Do we not know a zillion things more today about science, technology, space and other galaxies and universes? Are we truly supposed to keep our heads in a mindset that was established when people could never fathom airplanes and thought the earth was a flat expanse of a few thousand miles and that the sun died each evening and recreated itself each morning (they did in some areas, maybe still do.)?

If you want to be offended, be offended by hatefulness disguised in superiority, blind, willful ignorance.

I am not a person who wants to go around destroying people’s faiths, and as I said to someone a few months back, I DO have a faith of a sort, it just may not look like yours. Because my head is firmly OUT of the sandbox. I see the world as it is, I see what we’ve done to it and how our own fear and hate and prejudice will absolutely bring about destruction, if we do not move to stop it.

Cheeseball as it sounds, it is time for all “people of light and love and compassion and empathy and hope and faith” (for lack of a better way to frame it–the “good” side of the force)–to rise up and love one another, set aside your ignorance and learn and grow and LOVE for fuck’s sake. (Yeah, I did that purposefully.) Maybe I will offend and shock some into thinking about their priorities. I hope so. Grow some ovaries (or balls) and stand up for what is right. If you think you were taught something out of scripture that justifies killing, hate, prejudice, and willful ignorance, I feel sorry for you and I think you may be backing the wrong horse. Get off the crazy train before it’s too late.

I cannot help but “preach” my own special brand of message, and if it offends your delicate sensibilities, you know where the door is. Ovary up. Sack up. Rise up. The time of the delicate flower and the tea parties is over.

(And BTW there are something like 50 trillion billion planets, I hope you do not still hold on to believing earth holds the only life in all the universes.) Learn. Grow. Study. Open your mind. Faith and facts are not mutually exclusive, if you’re willing to open your mind and heart.

If you care to discuss, I won’t on Facebook but you can email me at Haters needn’t bother.

Friggin’ Peace Out, babes!