The Women I Admire the Most

The women I admire the most are women who know themselves thoroughly and unabashedly. They’ve taken the time for introspection; they’ve healed their mess and look unwaveringly forward.

The women I admire the most laugh in the face of others’ expectations. They aren’t concerned with the constricting opinions of others but own who they are.

These women are kind and good and compassionate, (for they have known pain) and though they know how to stand apart and alone, they also understand creating community.

The women I admire the most insist on following their passion and purpose, so don’t bother trying to derail them or talk them out of it. They persevere in all things that matter to them.

They insist on continued growth and knowledge and are always looking forward to their next project.

The women I admire don’t always defer to others but know when to stand their ground and pick their battles with care. They are fierce in protecting the ones they love.

They understand boundaries and how to enact them when necessary. They also respect the boundaries of others.

Women are strong, but the best of them know when and how to wield their power and when to yield it and do not ever use it to manipulate and control others.

The women I admire most embody love and respect and choose their words carefully but will never be silenced.

Nov 8 Life Continued

Of course, as often happens with me, my brain was abuzz with words for a blog in the wee hours of the morning, I had plans, I had goals for a new YouTube vid about writing. As the day began to progress, my excitement and inspiration began to wane.

I needed to do my nails so I did that, did the dishes and put some laundry in the washer and bye-bye to more inspiration. Then I cleaned out closets. And so it goes.

My better writing angels that were perched with glee on my shoulders seem to have vanished, giving up on me getting in front of the computer. Come back! I scream. I’m here finally! **Looks under the bed and all around but they are playing hide and seek.

Oh well. I’ll sit anyway because discipline is a thing. Sometimes we writers just have to show up when we can and hope for the best.

Been spending some time thinking about where to go next with my current novel project. I’ve set it up for some romance and a bit of thriller action, but I’ve got to get to the nitty-gritty of it. What specifically do I want to happen with this antagonist? Will work on that some today.

I’m getting used to a new computer, so that’s fun, learning which keys stick and what-not.

My art room is a hot mess. I dug out every painting I had stored anywhere in the house and they are laying about higgledy-piggledy. My “Lovely Lady” drawings are strewn everywhere. I’ve been working on updating my store here on the site and making sure it’s accurate.

I’ve all but given up on Facebook entirely. Social media all together, really. though I do enjoy browsing through the lovely poems and paintings on my Instagram feed.

I really hope our country can begin to heal now that the election is behind us. Politicians have gone a long way towards dividing us, egging us on against one another. It’s time to set aside differences and find humanity again. To focus on getting through this pandemic to the end of it, which I hope and pray will be sooner rather than later.

Once the virus is gone maybe we can get back to sitting down with one another and talking about things. I find when you do that, you often find that we are not nearly as far apart on how we think and feel than the politicians would have us believe. They thrive on creating discord between us and we need to wake up to their plots and refuse to be their puppets any longer. Life could be so good for us if we could just get back to love and care and stop listening to the talking heads. Let’s reach out, talk, love, heal, show compassion.

Next up, a little art, a little more writing, a bit more organization and cleaning. Whatever you get up to today, I hope it’s something that brings you peace. We are all overdue for some.

Peace Out, peeps!