Racism, White Privilege

I was on a thread earlier that was talking about white privilege. It got me fired up to blog about it today.

If this triggers you in any way, know that I invite discussion but only when done respectfully, without hate and anger. I moderate my page well.

So here are my thoughts.

The thread was discussing whether or not we should be teaching our children about white privilege. Yes and no. While I fully accept and understand that being white can and has opened doors for people in the past, if we teach white kids to feel generational guilt for something that is nothing to do with them: wrong.  If we teach them about all forms of racism in the past while encouraging NO racism in the future, maybe we can begin to truly bond and heal as a human race.

If we focus so much on white privilege that we encourage people of other races and nationalities to be prejudiced against us, isn’t that also bad? Two wrongs do not make a right. I think it is all about HOW it is taught. Prejudice and racism works in every direction: all wrong.

Yes, this bad stuff happened and happens, but here is what we should ALL be doing now and moving forward. Stop the madness. I refuse to feel guilt for something I have absolutely no control over. I can feel sad for some things that go on still to this day, but I will embrace positive ways to make change. Guilt isn’t positive. Only loving, positive, peaceful ways to move forward should be taught (along with history, of course.) Let’s have balance, wisdom and maturity on this issue, please.