Choose Peace

It’s funny to me that at every stage of my life I have felt as though

I was seeking the right things, doing the right things,

but then when looking back,

it seems so… different.

I suppose it’s due to knowing something now

I didn’t know then.


Life really does move like a river,

so that you are never in the same water again.


I wish I’d had this Big Love earlier.

I wish I’d had the wisdom of 50 years

at age 20

But doesn’t everyone?


I know now that for the world to change

It will take all of us

You and me


Wanting it to with all of what we are

And we must sacrifice the god

Of our own opinions and belief systems

At the altar

Of peace.


Kindness, dignity, and respect have fallen away

And they are integral to our futures.

We must seek again to find common ground

To focus on what we have in common

Rather than how we are different.


Our world is in the midst of major transition

In this age of technology

And some will not change their lens

They will refuse to see the world

As a whole

As one

And for them, nothing will change


For those with open minds, open hearts

The world can be a peaceful united place.


We choose to live in light or darkness.

We choose strife or peace.

We choose to be critical or to look for commonality.

Every time we meet someone new, we choose.


Choose love. Choose peace.